Single Workshop


In this workshop you will experience a grounding journey through yoga, hypnosis and dance. It is designed to dissolve fears and anxiety's to create the ability to feel grounded, safe and secure in the world.

3 Workshop Series


In this workshop you will experience a grounding journey through yoga, hypnosis and dance. It is designed to dissolve fears and anxiety's to create the ability to feel grounded, safe and secure in the world.


In this workshop you will experience a metaphorical rebirth journey through yoga, hypnosis and dance. The intention is to remove any blocks keeping you from the ability to feel open to the flow of life.


In this workshop you will experience coming home to yourself  through yoga, hypnosis and dance. We will declutter your metaphorical home to create space for yourself and to know and access healthy boundaries.

Full Workshop Series


In this workshop you will experience a grounding journey through yoga, hypnosis and dance. It is designed to dissolve fears and anxiety's to create the ability to feel grounded, safe and secure in the world.


In this workshop you will experience a metaphorical rebirth journey through yoga, hypnosis and dance. The intention is to remove any blocks keeping you from the ability to feel open to the flow of life.


In this workshop you will experience coming home to yourself  through yoga, hypnosis and dance. We will declutter your metaphorical home to create space for yourself and to know and access healthy boundaries.

Open Your Heart

In this Workshop we will take a journey to the heart. Using yoga, hypnosis and dance we will clear any grievances and align to love, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness.

Honor Your Truth

In this Workshop we will be focusing on clearing the throat Chakra. Using yoga, hypnosis and dance we will clear blocks keeping us from honoring our inner truth. Replacing it with the ability to align to that truth and express it with compassion.

Open Your Third Eye

In this Workshop we will journey to the Third eye. Clearing and cleansing our inner sight to be more connected to our intuition. We will use yoga and hypnosis to clear and open your third. Then we will dance for integration.

Connecting to Higher Self

In this Workshop we align to meet and connect with your highest self. Using yoga, hypnosis and dance we will journey our way to a new and higher perspective.