Workshop Series

Mindful Momentum workshop is created to make you feel good. We are building a safe and healing environment in this workshop experience. Together we will focus on balancing our mental, emotional, physical and energetic bodies using a unique combination of yoga, hypnosis, and dance. This is an experience you do not want to miss.


The mission is to create a global community, cultivating totality of self. In this community we will learn, grow and celebrate our personal and spiritual transformations together through radical self expression.


Mindful Momentum's vision is to become a full music and dance experience at festivals and retreats.


The Mindful Momentum Movement Experience really brought me to a new level of well being in multiple aspects of my life.  EVERY SINGLE MEDITATION brought clear visuals of what was holding me back and as I moved and danced and found freedom in my body, I released it all! I'm a Reiki Master; I've done yoga and dance for years, but this experience was able to weave so many different kinds of magic together to bring me deeper into my authentic self! Not only do I highly recommend it, but I look forward to doing the series all over again!



This has been phenomenal Amanda! I know I haven’t been able to make the class in person, but receiving the recordings has changed my life! My fiancé even enjoys your voice, so we’ve been sleeping a lot better and waking up refreshed each morning! The mix between yoga and hypnosis is fantastic! Thank you so much for proving something that will help take care of my body and mind! You are awesome ❤️


Just finished the heart chakra recorded class & honestly I am always amazed at what comes through energetically & physically during each session.  During your hypnosis when we got to the subconscious & the clearing exercise I became so overwhelmed with emotion & tears.  Some from conscious memories that I didn’t realize I was still holding onto but I know a lot was also probably subconscious & past lifetime energies.  Then the dancing brought more releasing of tears & deep waves of acceptance, forgiveness, & love.  I am excited for this new chapter ♥️ I am excited to welcome love with deeper trust in myself to stay true to my heart, my feelings, & my boundaries.  I thank you & I love you sister for putting this work out into the world.


The Kundalini movement was welcomed by my stiff muscles and opened up my chest and back.

I was very relaxed for the hypnosis and ready to move in the dance portion.

I appreciate your guidance in opening areas of my body that need a shift or realignment with my new way of  thinking for 2023.

Thank you and blessings.

